Steve’s alumni have Written or Co-written:
- Ugly Betty
- Silicon Valley
- Insecure
- Mom
- Please Like Me
- The Goldbergs
- Big Love
- It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia
- House of Lies
- Analyze This
- Superstore
- Everybody Loves Raymond
- Hairspray with John Travolta
- The Heartbreak Kid with Ben Stiller
- Rescue Me, The Class
- Tenacious D, Mean Girls 2
- Friends, Sex and the City
- Mr. Show, SNL
- The Daily Show w/Jon Stewart
- Will & Grace, Joey
- Late Night with Conan O’Brien
- Kathy Griffin: “Strong Black Woman” special
Steve’s alumni have been nominated for:
- 43 Emmy Awards
- 6 WGA Awards
- 3 Golden Globes
- 1 Academy Award
- 5 SAG Awards
- 1 American Comedy Award
And they’ve won 10 Emmys,
1 Oscar, 2 WGA Awards,
the American Comedy Award,
and more!
Steve’s clients include top writers, producers and directors from:

Steve Kaplan has Produced, Developed or Presented:
- Jack Black
- Nathan Lane
- Bob Odenkirk (Curb Your Enthusiasm, Mr. Show)
- Nia Vardalos (My Big Fat Greek Wedding)
- Dave Crane (Friends)
- Peter Tolan (Analyze This, Larry Sanders)
- Kenneth Lonergan (Gangs of New York)
- Kenneth Lonergan (Gangs of New York)
- Kathy Griffin
- Josh Malina (West Wing)
- Mark O’Donnell (Hairspray)
- Andy Kindler (Everybody Loves Raymond)
- Sam McMurray (King of Queens)