Andy Kaufman would have been 62 on Tuesday, January 17th. Never one to label himself a ‘comedian,’ Andy trail-blazed meta-comedy, almost daring his audience to get angry, or leave, as he read The Great Gatsby to them—in its entirety

Andy was one of a kind. While starring in Taxi, he also bussed tables at the nearby Jerry’s Diner. Not for a gag, mind you. He actually showed up and worked as a busboy, no joke. Or was it?

Andy Kaufman brought meta-comedy to the world, whether it was impersonating Tony Clifton, or challenging pro wrestlers to a match. Unfortunately for us, his lung cancer was no joke, although there are some who still believe that it was all a put-on, and Andy is out there somewhere, enjoying his greatest joke.

Happy Birthday wherever you are, Andy

I remember first seeing Andy on the initial broadcast of SNL back in 75, doing his inimitable “Mickey Mouse” routine.  Here it is, “… to save the day.”

Andy Kaufman performs Mighty Mouse – watch more funny videos